7 Tuition Free Colleges

Although it may be hard to believe, there are some colleges in existence that offer free tuition for their students. Most of these colleges are funded through generous donations and substantial grants. Additionally, students are often required to work a minimum number of hours per week on campus or participate in certain activities to maintain their enrollment. The following are some of the most popular tuition free colleges in the United States.

WebbInstitute – Anyone interested in marine engineering and naval architecture should look into this school, which offers only one major – a double in those areas. Situated in Glen Cove, New York, this top-ranked undergraduate school has a student body of only 80. All 80 of Webb’s students receive a paid tuition, which consists of 4 full-time years. Students are responsible for housing costs and school supplies, such as laptops and books.

CollegeOfTheOzarks – Known as “Hard Work U.”, this Christian college located near Branson, Missouri discourages its students from carrying any debt. Students earn credit and pay for their tuition through work-study programs, which teach responsibility and give them a unique, hands-on learning experience. Costs associated with housing and books can be offset through summer work programs, which earn students scholarships.

CurtisInstituteOfMusic – This well-known academy in Philadelphia has produced many professional musical artists, which is why it only accepts a very limited number of qualified applicants each year. All Curtis students are given a full-tuition scholarship, regardless of need. Since 1924, Curtis has prided itself on accepting only promising, talented individuals that will excel in a one-of-a-kind, intimate learning environment.

BereaCollege – Located in Kentucky, this tuition free college was founded in 1855 and was the first interracial college in the southern United States. Students are chosen based on their academic ability and are required to work at least 10 hours a week on campus. Berea offers many different programs, making it a very popular choice among college applicants.

CUNYTeacherAcademy – The City University of New York, located in New York City, partners with Hunter College to offer the Teacher Academy. Students who are accepted to the academy are given 4 years of paid tuition, and upon graduation are offered a full-time teaching job in one of New York City’s public schools. In addition to free tuition, students can participate in paid internships and are offered financial assistance if they choose to pursue a master’s degree from CUNY.

DeepSpringsCollege – Only 26 students make up the student body at this all-male liberal arts school located in Deep Springs, California. These students are provided with 2 years of fully paid tuition at this unique school, which emphasizes academics, labor, and self-governance in their educational programs. The school prepares young men to serve humanity, and most go on to complete their degrees at top-notch universities.

CooperUnion – This engineering, art, and architecture school located in New York was founded in 1859 by the well-known industrialist Peter Cooper. Students who are accepted at this school are chosen because of their academic abilities, which must be above-satisfactory. All students at Cooper Union are given a scholarship that provides them with free tuition.

All of these respected schools provide their students with not only free tuition, but high-quality academic programs as well. If you are interested in any of them, you should definitely take the time to check them out. You never know; you could end up with a free college education.

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