Quitters Make Useless Resolutions – Easy Ways To Make Money And Become Rich

make money
must have heard it before that
resolutions are for quitters and winners don’t resolve. So, what’s the
in burdening yourself with a long list of useless resolutions that you
can’t fulfill? Instead of making stupid declarations at the beginning of
every year
and forgetting them in the very first month of the year, it is indeed
better to
follow a few tips to keep making and saving money throughout the year.
According to the University
of Scranton, among 48%
people who resolve to take care of their finances, only 7% achieve them. 

Have a
look at some easy ways to make money in 2020 and keep getting your coffers

  1. Keep tracking your expenses:
    Although it’s a real tough job to jot down on a tablet or smartphone every
    the time you drop in for a coffee or you put gas in the car, but if you do,
    you can quickly understand and be amazed at the way in which money can
    slip through your hands. There are different websites like Quicken or
    Geezeo or Mint.com that can assist you with the mathematics. Once you can
    really see where the credit card and cash transactions are going, it will
    be simpler for you to curb down expenses and identify where you’re wasting
  1. Try to be realistic: If you
    are just not being able to view yourself make a fresh cup of coffee for
    yourself every day and yet you’re being worried about the estimated $2500
    in savings annually, trim down to a less expensive coffee shop and instead of going every day, curtail down to once or twice a week. Do exactly the same thing with your debt and savings. Instead of tucking aside $200 per month, try to keep aside $50 every week as this is much easier. You can pay off a credit card bill of $2500 in $500 installments.
  1. Automate all your accounts:
    There are too many people who promised themselves to transfer money from one account to the savings but forgot! If you’re one among them or if you’re someone who planned to pay a bill by the due date but forgot this is the right time to automate all your accounts. Set a date on which a
    fixed amount will be debited from your checking account and credited to your savings account. This way you don’t have to remember the dates and yet keep saving money.
  1. Keep a goal of being fee-less: ATM fees, late fees, interest fees and checking account fees
    are some of the hefty banking fees that take a toll on your wallet and your budget by the end of the month. If you can be successful in making
    payments on time by automating your accounts, you can aim to be fee-less.
    We often tend to overlook the fact that such fees constitute a large part
    of our waste expenses.
Hence, if you’re someone who wants to make
money in 2020 and build your financial safety, follow the smart and effective
points mentioned above. Get in touch with an advisor if needed.

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