Many would-be savers may understandably be turned away by the many extra fees, taxes and regular costs that are increasingly associated with even simple checking and savings accounts. After all, it seems all too counter intuitive to store your hard earned cash with an organization that charges you to essentially lend it your money. So why not go back to the roots of real, affordable banking and pick an account that is free of all those extra charges and add ons? The age of the free bank account is not extinct, savers, only a little harder to find.
Thankfully, we’ve done some of that research for you, and you may seek no further than below to get started on a free banking account that suits your needs and actually saves you money rather than charging you for the privilege of personal banking. No matter where you decide to keep your money, make sure you read the fine print, as many banks purport themselves as being fee free but that may not be the whole story.
- ING Direct, an independent banking organization that is unique amongst its peers, offers a truly free Orange Everyday bank account that comes with no monthly fees, no ATM fees (when there is a $200 withdrawal), and even a bonus promise of 5% cash back for new customers. ING is able to do this because they are not a brick and mortar institution, but rather exist virtually, or at least as far as their customers can see them. Because they save so much on the typical overhead costs that are associated with being a banking institution – such as bank tellers, building rental, lights, and in person customer service – they are able to offer checking and savings accounts at no charge. Not to worry about their customer service, either, in case you are in a pinch and need a word of advice. Their online and over the phone help desk is known for being useful and attentive to the needs of old and new customers alike. By doing all of their business online or over the phone, they save big money and pass those dollars right over to their 1.5 million happy Aussie clients.
- For those customers who feel a bit more comfortable dealing with a bank that exists in a physical sense of the word, the Citibank Plus everyday banking account is fee free. They offer access to thousands of free ATMs throughout the continent, and are so large that you are bound to never be too far from a cash withdrawal point, no matter where you are. Bonus perks of the account abound, including free dishes or bottles of wine at exclusive partner restaurants and the chance to get a cash bonus with the Citibank saver package. International money transfers are free and easy with this account, and instant money transfers are even possible when within the Citibank family of bank accounts.
- A third alternative for those who are searching for truly free banking options is the NAB classic banking account which has the added bonus of requiring no minimum deposit. Of course, there are no monthly fees associated with the account. The NAB account does come with a free Visa debit card for the customer, as well as access to customer service representatives over the phone, online, or in person through one of their many branches through Australia. Additionally, customers have the option of adding a personal overdraft cushion to their account, so that they are protected in case a withdrawal happens without the funds to back it up, an essential in case of emergency.