Some Tips For Finding The Best Car Accident Attorneys

You are driving down the road and a car hits your from behind. Your airbag deploys and your car is totaled. You get out of the car and blood is on your hands. You have just been in a very bad car accident. Before you talk to the person that hit you, or even the police, you should contact a car accident attorney.  How do you know who to call?
In the hours after a car accident, making the right decisions can save you a lot of time and money. A car accident attorney is familiar with what is involved during these types of events. They can help you not worry about dealing with insurance companies and sometimes can even keep you out of court.
Here are some tips to help find the legal representation you will need.
Ask your friends
Knowing where to start is the hardest part of finding a car accident attorney. Especially after being in an accident, searching for a lawyer is not something people like to do. An easy way to find a good attorney is to ask your friends. If they have ever been in an accident, there’s a very good chance that they know of one.   Asking your friends not only saves you the trouble of having to look, it will also provide you with reputable leads.
Search a legal referral site
If you aren’t able to get any leads from your friends, or if you simply want more names, try searching a website that specializes in attorneys. Specialty websites, such as, list and rank lawyers based on experience and feedback from clients.  It may not be as strong as a recommendation from friends, but it will help you gauge your available options.
Contact Legal Aid
While Legal Aid cannot give you referrals, they can direct you to attorneys who are willing to take a case pro bono, or commonly known as – free. There are not a lot of attorneys that work pro-bono, but when there are, this organization knows generally about it.  If cost is a concern, and you are in need of an attorney, this service may be exactly what you are looking for.
Shop around
Once you have a few leads on car accident attorneys, it is important to shop around.  A good lawyer is one that not only wins cases, but one that also understands your situation. They are going to be representing you, so it is important that they see you as an individual and not just another case. Taking the time to get to know your attorney will help ensure that you get one that is right for you.
Some lawyers will even claim that they won’t get paid unless they win. These are the perfect lawyers for any case. In these scenarios, there is no money that needs to be forked over up front, and if you lose the case, you don’t owe your lawyer any legal fees. Be careful when investigating the potentail car accident lawyers in your city and don’t rush into a contract with a lawyer. Take your time and find the best attorney for your case.

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