Accidental Blindness and Insurance Claims

In a number of few and far between instances each year, UK residents who are involved in an accident on the road, at work, or in their own homes are subjected to a loss of sight. Accidents that result in an individual being left without the use of their eyes are not as uncommon as you might think. In fact, many goings on involving electricity, welding, the use of dangerous or ill kept machinery, and unusual conditions are high risk scenes for an individual to lose their eye sight.  When it comes to accidental onset of blindness, the individual may be dealing with one of a few different scenarios.
Firstly, one may be subjected to full or partial blindness, meaning that the loss of sight may have only occurred in one eye, or may be worse in one eye and perfectly normal in the other. Secondly, one may either be afflicted with temporary loss of sight, or the blindness may be permanent. Depending on the severity of the incident, one’s eyes may have a chance of recovering some or even all of their sight. Although this is a rare scenario, it is possible for one’s sight to return in full after even a good number of years. 

The Accidents Which Lead to Blindness
There are a myriad different circumstances which have the potential to lead to blindness. Most of these occur for employees on the job who are surrounded by fairly heavy duty industrial equipment, the possibility of foreign chemicals or toxins, or machinery which has the tendency to go faulty. Electrical shocks, which are regular occurrences for those in the electricity industry, can often lead to permanent or temporary blindness amongst those who they affect. Explosions of any kind, particularly those involving sharp objects, are inherently a risky situation for those with unprotected eyes. Exposure to certain chemicals, especially on a regular basis, can be hugely detrimental to the eyes. Some individuals may lose their vision fully upon encountering one or more of a barrage of chemicals that are used often in engineering, industrial and construction settings. Those who find themselves regularly working in environments with large amounts of particle dust, airborne objects or grit are also at high risk for eye injury, and must be responsible for wearing eye glasses, goggles, or other protective gear. Foreign objects which become entangled in the eyes of workers are major causes of blindness, and it is the employer’s responsibility to make sure their worker’s are well equipped with the equipment that they need to cover their faces.
Additionally, workers who come in contact with extremely bright lights over a period of time without being provided the recommended safety wear are certainly at risk for a loss of sight. It is essential that employees in any of these situations be offered and kept accountable for the proper gear and wearable protection that is necessary to prevent accidents of blindness. Without these necessary precautions, individuals and organisations alike are putting themselves in a position to lose out on both financial prosperity and physical well being.  The loss of vision is a deep and devastating shift in perception and lifestyle, no matter who you are. Changes in your mode of being and making a living that may occur after becoming blind include but are not limited to loss of abilities to earn an income, lack of physical functionality, lack of independence, and financial loss due to compensating for this new way of living. If you have been the victim of a loss of vision due to a professional or accidental shortcoming, you are likely to be eligible for significant financial compensation for the incident through your employer and work on your behalf by a solicitor

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