Accounting in Poland – Benefits, Business Opportunities and Costs

Accounting outsourcing is nothing uncommon
these days. Many large corporations include it in their business strategies. Is
it really worth to use such services east from Berlin? What are the costs of
accounting in Poland? In this article, we will shed some light on the subject.

Why Poland?

This is actually the first question that needs answering. The country lies
in a strategic position with its capital city, Warsaw, in the very heart of the
region. Warsaw has also 2 airports to its disposal, and both of them have
international capacity. And what about the Silesia region? It is a cluster of
cities, with Katowice as the most important one. But all Silesia is
business-friendly, so to speak, just like Warsaw. It also has reliable means of
international communication.

The Polish Airlines provide comfortable first class travel that can reach
all major European business centers, alongside those placed in North America or
Asia, for that matter. This means accounting inPoland is an excellent opportunity for businesses that have a global
potential. A British IT company, for example, might use this to build a chain
between its headquarters and tech services set in India. The tax office in
Warsaw is something worth considering, especially when British price tags are
included in the equation. But that’s not all.

Poland is a part of the EU and all major financial organizations. That
provides a certain amount of trust that can be placed in this country. The
level of finance national accounting standards there is equaled with other
European states. The Accountants Association in Poland is a reliable
institution that makes sure these standards are kept. A foreign entrepreneur
has nothing to be concerned about. Many western corporations have already
benefited from accounting services in Poland. More are joining them every year.
There must be a reason for that, don’t you agree?

The quality
of accounting services in Poland

We have established that setting up accountingin Poland is a good decision. The country’s geographical position works
well with European standardization of high quality services. But the
accountants themselves are also special. They are well-educated. They
understand the mechanisms of international trade or employment. With their
help, all sorts of tasks will be carried out both professionally and without
any delays.

Obviously, these specialists operate not only in the Polish language, which
is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world. That is usually
quite an obstacle for foreign businesses. The Poles, however, are known for
their linguistic skills. Day-to-day errands in English are not a problem. The
same can be said about the preparation of vital documents, mind you.

In addition, an accounting office in Poland can conduct regular reporting
services as well as proper maintenance of the corporate archives. Today, Polish
accountants are very familiar with digital tech solutions like cloud native
environments or top-notch tools built for accounting specifically. That not
only provides reliability, but a high level of security too. Modern businesses
put a lot of attention to such matters, don’t they? No wonder, since corporate
espionage is an everlasting threat. Especially in the digital era, security is
something to be worry about. Theft of consolidated financial statements, credit
details or an annual report must be prevented. Professional accounting in Poland can most certainly cope with
such demands.

How much
does accounting in Poland cost?

For many people, this will be the most important part of the article. After
all, money is the whole point of accounting services in general. Let’s talk
money, then. Yes, hiring accountants from Poland is less expensive in
comparison to the standards known in Western Europe or the USA. The same can be
said about office space and other types of services usually associated with
modern finances (cloud technology, for instance). All that is in accordance
with the fact that Eastern parts of the European Union are still catching up
with the rest of it in terms of economy. Paychecks are relatively lower, yet
the level of quality is not.

A Polish accounting office
can meet demanding requirements as well as any other company in Europe. The
difference lies in the thickness of a bill. British, French or even Irish
specialists are more expensive, and when we add maintenance costs… Well,
small start-ups might not be able to afford it. In fact, this is one of the
reasons why bigger corporations grew in the first place. They didn’t hesitate
to invest their trust and money in countries like Poland, which resulted in
lesser costs of their operations. In most cases, that alone gave them a
leverage used against their competition that was too anxious to execute
business models based on outsourcing. Conservative management is not very
cost-effective. Open-minded solutions, on the other hand, provide a lot of
opportunities. The service of accounting in Poland
is one of them.

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