Car Accident Claims in UK – Do they go to court?


car accident claims
Most of the car accident claims in UK
are usually settled out of court. This is because either the liability or
so-called evidence of fault is clarified, or the other party is not interested
in raising a dispute about a claim. It has been observed that approximately 1%
of the
injury claims
might reach the court for settlement.

So, if you are unclear about whose
fault it is or the accidental compensation amount you are entitled to, it is
likely that the case will get settled before you reach the court.

Circumstances that might require a court to solve the car accident claim

Given below are two main reasons why
you may not be able to avoid settling the claim outside the court.

  • When the
    defendant does not accept responsibility

Let us say that you suffered injuries
in a car accident, and you are sure that it was due to someone else’s fault,
either wholly or partially. However, the other person is not accepting the

Under such conditions, The Road
Traffic Accident Solicitor who will take up your case will collect adequate
evidence so that your claim can be supported. This might include undergoing
medical assessment so that your condition and injury can be better ascertained.

Other evidence in the form of
statement from witnesses, photographs from the scene of accident, and police
reports will be collected by the legal person representing you. Remember, the
evidence that your legal person collects must be adequate to make the other
person accept the responsibility of his act.

However, this is entirely subject to
the availability of the evidence and what your present medical condition is. The
second condition when you might expect car accident claims in UK to get settled
in court is disputes related to compensation amount.

  • Disputes
    related to compensation

Often, it is seen that the person
responsible for the personal injury does admit his mistake but when it comes to
settling the amount for compensation, he does not agree to the same. So, what
happens under such conditions? Let us find out.

The compensation amount payable
depends on several factors. These include how severe is the injury, whether you
require any medical assistance in the form of rehabilitation or any other
medical support, and last but not the least, what will be the cost you might
have to incur to repair or replace your vehicle. The financial impact will also
be considered that was caused due to injuries.

Always seek professional assistance so that your
claim is adequately represented and genuinely settled. Hire the services of an
experienced and well-versed firm that will help you deal with the finer aspects
of the case and the legalities.

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