Cognitive Bias or Mental Money Traps?

we ever arbitrarily regard ourselves as prudent consumers? Read this particular
post before you are even close to drawing conclusions. How do we rationalize
our purchases? By weighing the pros and cons of each product and then deciding
which one of the options made available to us is suitable.

the Link between Cognitive Bias and Spending?

do we ever acknowledge the fact that our purchasing decisions are governed by
our cognitive biases. Cognitive biases are nothing but mental traps that end up
harming our finances in more ways than we can actually imagine. Let us explore
how in the course of the post.

The Bandwagon Effect

simplest form of the cognitive bias can be traced in the bandwagon effect.
There are so many times when we have blamed ourselves for simply jumping on the
bandwagon while making crucial purchasing decisions. These are the times when
we are just not drawing a parallel between our purchasing decisions and our
needs but are simply inspired by what others are buying.

about buying the latest model of
just because you have seen one among your many friends buy the same. Think
about making a drastic decision on retirement savings just because your friend
has done the same.

bandwagon effect is a result of little or no thinking at all. Needless to say,
it can have detrimental effect on your finances. Take the example of the iPhone.
You may not even need it but are buying it just because others around you are
carrying it. And guess what? You are not required doing anything except
accessing Facebook or getting stock quotes and are not even getting a real
value for accessing the same. Let us tell you that the iPhone device in this
case is a sheer waste of money.

Anchoring Bias

bias is something which is an uncharted territory for most of us. Anchoring
bias takes place when you are unwittingly relying completely on the first piece
of information that you have been able to secure. So, what exactly is it that
we should acquaint ourselves with?

let us consider the example of a kindle you are looking for. You come across
the first online store selling it has slashed its price from $300 to $100. Now,
you arbitrarily consider the deal to be a great one without even considering
what the other stores might as well have to offer you!

is because of the fact that you have already regarded $300 as the
anchorprice. On further investigation you might as well go on
to find stores selling the kindles at lesser prices.

Confirmation Bias

bias can be alternately termed as validation bias as well. You might as well
like getting your daily dose of news from your social media feeds. However, the
problem with this tendency is to prioritize those pieces of information that
you would agree with. You are actually seeing facts that consolidate our views
and are ignoring those that are conflicting with what we believe to be true.
This serves as a big drawback when you are on your way to start a financial
venture like a small business.

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