Could Selling Real Estate in Texas be a Gold Mine?

Living is a recession is no easy thing. As people continue to live without employment, more and more Americans are desperately trying to find alternative ways to make a living.  It used to be that if you had a solid education and a hard work ethic you could easily find a sense of job security, but those days seem to be on hold at the very least.  As a result, for some people, the idea of possibly starting their own business seems more like an idea worth pursuing.  If you have lost your job, or if you looking for something entrepreneurial to pursue, then you might consider selling real estate in Texas.  While it may seem strange for me to mention Texas specifically, I’ll tell you why Texas, as opposed to other states, may offer you some great potential as a new realtor, so let’s get started.

The Texas Migration

According to, 1 in 5 five Americans live in either California or Texas, so out of the 50 states, 20% of the population lives in these two.  However, due to many economic struggles that California faces, and the fact that it presents a very high cost of living, over 2 million Californians have left the state in the past ten years, and most of them have moved to Texas.  But, what is it about Texas that makes so many people want to move here?

More Employment Opportunities

Jobs, jobs, and more jobs.  That is what we hear so much about in the news these days – the need for jobs.  Well, Texas seems to over more job opportunities than other states.  With companies like Apple establishing locations in Austin, the digital marketing and IT labor force is expanding, and this is true for other industries as well.

Real Estate is Cheap

Texas real estate prices are very tempting.  With so much land, you can see why.  As someone who moved from California and bought his first home in Texas, I’ll just say this.  The house my wife and I bought in Texas for $265,000 would sell for 3 times that in California. 
So, hopefully, you are starting to get an idea of why people are moving to Texas, but before I move on to the idea of selling real estate, I want to mention some other reasons why Texas is so alluring for so many:
No state income tax
Some of the best public schools in the nation
Decent weather
Friendly people
Okay, so you get the point.  Now, the obvious conclusion is that with so many people moving to Texas, and buying up real estate, you can see the need for more people to be selling real estate.  Now, let’s move on to how you should go about starting your realtor business. 

You Need to Get a Realtor’s License

This is obviously true; however, there is a way to get your realtor’s license that you may not be aware of.  Thanks to the internet, you have the opportunity to get your real estate license online.  Not only will this save you time and money, but this will allow you to get licensed in Texas even if you don’t currently live in Texas.  Finding sites that sell these courses is easy.  Just do a search online.  Make sure that you shop around, and make double sure that the courses you sign up for are geared toward a Texas realtor’s license.

Find a Broker

Once you have your realtor’s license, you will want to get connected to a broker.  When selecting a broker it is important to see if they are a good fit for you.  You should ask yourself the following questions:
Does their clientele match the clientele I want to focus on?
What does their commission split look like?
What kind of reputation do they have?
What is the “culture” of their company like?
Be picky, and do your due diligence.  You will be glad you did.

What’s next?

Okay, so once you are licensed and hooked up with a broker, then it’s time to start building your business.  While real estate is about location, location, location, it is also about people.  You need to meet people, and gently let them know who you are and what you do.  Get involved with your community.  Places like BNI, Chamber of Commerce, and other networking functions, provide great ways to mingle with other people.  Building up trust and a solid networking list may seem hard at first, but before you know it, if you work hard, you will be well known and people will think of you when it comes time for them to buy property.
Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and I imagine that by now you are beginning to see the value of selling real estate in Texas.

3 Replies to “Could Selling Real Estate in Texas be a Gold Mine?”

  1. Choosing a different profession is facing many people. However, the real estate market in most places in still in a downturn. On the other hand, real estate law is a good option because people need real estate lawyers even for loan modification and refinance loans.

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