Don’t Let The Lack Of A Salary Rise Ruin Your Year

I imagine that most of us have been in jobs in which the pay wasn’t great. I remember that in my first job I ended up walking to the office the last week of each month while I waited for my pay to come in.  I always ended that week shattered and with sore feet but also with the hope that the next year would see me get a handsome wage rise which ended my money worries once and for all.
Of course, the pay rise we hope for doesn’t always happen or if it does then it might take a lot longer than we expected for us to get it. At first I used to feel really bad when a year went by and I wasn’t given anything extra onto my salary but then I realized that there are some good ways to cope with this situation.
Knuckle Down and Get Promoted
In that first job I mentioned earlier it didn’t occur to me for a while that I could get promoted. I saw the more senior workers as being a lot more experienced and wiser than me and I couldn’t even imagine leading a team or going to meetings. However, when I had to suffer another year without a pay increase my boss heard me grumbling about it and told me to get my head down, get some training and try for a promotion. I went on a few training courses which were pretty interesting and I started trying to think like a more responsible member of staff rather than someone who was just there to do the basics and go home as soon as possible. After about a year of this I passed my promotion interview at the second time of asking. The only problem was that the extra salary it involved was a lot less than I had expected. I hadn’t even thought about checking out the salary scales before I got my heart set on being promoted. 
Look for a New Job
Another option is to look to do something completely different. After the promotion, I stuck it out a bit longer but being a more senior worker and still having to walk to work a few times each month didn’t seem right. I spent ages looking for a new job and the best advice I can give here is to be patient. Eventually my patience paid off and I got a new job with a fairly decent increase in my salary level as well. The fact that I had been promoted in my old job definitely helped me land this one, so it counted for something after all.
Get a Bonus
My new job turned out to be a lot more interesting than the old one but the money issue soon reared its ugly head again. By now I had a family to look after and the increased salary in the new job didn’t really give me what I needed. There were no real promotion prospects in this one so I decided to start looking for some other way to get more money into my monthly wages. It turned out there were bonus and commission possibilities which no one had properly explained to me. I did some research into the subject and realised that I could get a nice extra sum each month. It is definitely worth checking out whether your company offers any sort of incentive scheme like this.  
Use Pay Day Loans to Get By
Of course, until you get that whopping great pay rise there will still be some months in which you struggle to get by until payday. This is where you will want to check out some online payday loan lenders. These people will give you just what you need to help you get by until your next wage comes in. This is especially useful at Christmas time but I have a few birthdays in my family in August so this is another tough month for me most years. No matter when your most difficult months are, you can make sure that you always get by if you use the services of payday loan lenders whenever your funds are running low. 
Stuart Edge is a freelance writer who has gained a lot of experience in a lot of different jobs and who knows the value of using payday loan lenders to help your financial situation as you wait patiently for your job to progress.

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