Earn cash for the holidays

Needing a lift on cash? You’re not alone! There are several things that life can throw into your path and no matter how prepared you are taking a hit financially almost always hurts. Holidays can especially wipe you out when it comes to cash flow, so here are some things to consider when a little cash is needed for the holiday rush:
  1. Bakery– Do you have the skills to make delicious desserts and have a little extra time on hand? Consider making great holiday sweets. Use your talents and spread the joy. Some individuals offer to seek out already made great desserts simple because they don’t have the time to make it themselves or don’t have the skills to do so. Just send out some flyers around your neighborhood and community and throw a bake sale to share your homemade or semi-homemade goods! Lots of people come to visit and usually are hunkered down in their homes, so take advantage of it and whip up some holiday treats; it may just be the extra cash flow you were seeking.
  2. Deep pit smoked turkey– Around thanksgiving you can opt to throw a deep pit smoked turkey for family and friends. You may have to spend some money to make more money here, but you can reap the benefits if it’s done right. If you’re in a small town and everyone knows everyone you can most definitely get the ball rolling by spreading the word around. Buy several turkeys and dig a deep pit. With several coals and consistent heat, throw the turkeys in and allow the juices and smokey flavors to marinate for a few hours. Then when the time is right bring them out and presto! You have very happy families that can serve a delicious thanksgiving meal and you have some extra cash flow to bring into Christmas and the New Year. Just make sure you calculate out a certain increase when you sell your smoked turkeys.
  3. Throw a fall yard sale– A great way to earn cash for the holidays is throwing a fall yard sale. Neighborhoods are filled with out of town family members and guests, plus the weather usually is more forgiving during the fall. Feel free to rummage through the house and get rid of unwanted or unused items and set up an organized spot on the lawn with helpful signs to guide potential buyers in. Not only do you get the extra cash but you have open space in your home for the newer gifts and toys you’ll be bringing in within the next few weeks!
One of the most important things to remember when you are really hurting for cash is that you may have to give up some things that you don’t want to. Even though this may be hard, you have to do whatever it takes to stay afloat.

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