Earning money as a stay-at-home mum: What can you do?

As a stay-at-home mum, you might be an expert at saving money, but what about making it? If you’re not ready to return to work, there are many ways to boost your funds from home, so it’s worth putting a financially rewarding plan into place.
Go freelance
Before the little ones arrived, you might have been able to apply for a credit card, take out a loan or get a mobile phone contract with ease, but if the expense of motherhood has affected your credit rating – it could be time to make a change. Freelance work is a great way to improve your finances and get your bank balance back on track in no time. Content writers, web designers, photographers and bloggers are all in demand, so do some outreach and build up a client base.
Get creative
If you’re looking for something to keep you occupied while the kids are at school, why not unleash your creative side? Homemade goods are popular at arts and craft fairs, so get knitting, painting, drawing, sewing or sculpting – and sell your products for a reasonable price. If you have a particular penchant for jewellery making or enjoy making cushions or wall hangings, there’s no reason why you can’t promote them online. You can set up a Facebook page or Twitter account to spread the word about your skills and create an Etsy shop to take purchases via the web.
Rent out your parking space
If you own your property and have a free parking space, you might be able to rent it out for a competitive fee – particularly if you live near to a hospital, train station, airport or a busy city center. Public spaces often fill up pretty quickly (which can be incredibly inconvenient for both residences without a driveway and commuters), so draw up and advert and see what response you get. This is a quick and easy way to make money and if you have room for more than one vehicle you could be onto something highly profitable.
Look after other people’s children
These days, many new mums return to work early in order to support their family. This means there are plenty of children out there that need looking after during the day. If you get all the relevant health and safety checks and set a good rate, parents are sure to jump at your services – as day care centres and crèches can be incredibly expensive. If you don’t fancy opening your doors to the world, you could always speak to other mums you know and see if you can help each other out!
There are many ways to save money from credit card consolidation to reducing your household bills, but there are also plenty of opportunities to make it, so see what you can do!

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