Ensuring a better Post Retirement Life with Deferred Annuities

You must have heard about many types of retirement plans, right? Ok, tell me that would you like to go for a plan, which allots you privilege to choose the suitable time, when you want to receive the payments? I am sure that you will like such a retirement plan for securing your life because during retirement all you need is a safe and sound life without any economical tensions and deferred annuities is the best financial plan for securing your post retirement as you want.

Ok, let us discuss in brief.

 When you are continuing to the job, it is the best time for planning your retirement because once you get retired; you would not receive any more salaries for making a savings. Well, deferred annuities help you to save the amount when you are still in job. You can save it in monthly or quarterly basis. After that, you stop paying any amount for a certain time period and after your retirement, when you feel a need of money; you can apply for getting your savings returns.

Isn’t it amazing?

Yes, it is because once you apply for deferred annuities, you become secured for your post retirement life.

The main benefit you get here is till the time you don’t withdraw the amount, no tax cuttings are made from your savings. It means you get to save the maximum amount without any kind of tax deductions.

These annuities are mainly of three types, such as:

• CD-type deferred annuity
• Fixed deferred annuity
• Equity-indexed deferred annuity

You can go with any of these plans depending upon your requirements and financial needs. It is always better to consult a financial adviser beforehand because they are the best people to help you out with perfect information. So, go for deferred annuities now and have a better retirement life with better facilities.

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