Health Insurance Coverage

Having health insurance may always be a good choice. It is a precaution after all, and seeks to help financially during times of need. There are some things to consider, however, in getting the most out of an insurance policy. Although not obscured by insurance providers, there are actually more exclusions than inclusions in terms of the coverage of an insurance plan. This makes people apprehensive if they are actually covered in certain situations. Here are some of the most common circumstances in which someone may think that he’s covered, when he’s actually not.
Cosmetic Services
This is one of the most common misconceptions that an uninformed consumer may hope on. Even if the cosmetic service can be seen as a need rather than a want, insurance companies will never pay for them because they are simply non-therapeutic procedures. For a breast cancer survivor who would want to have an artificial breast, hoping on insurance should be the last thing she can do.
Court-ordered Procedures
Any medical procedure that a court requires in order to support a case is not covered by insurance as well. For a dispute on child custody where genetic testing might be needed, no amount is covered for by insurance.
Weight Loss
Any procedure, whether invasive or not, that offsets to weight loss is not covered by health insurance. Even if weight loss is a necessity due to a cardiovascular complication, a gastric bypass surgery would not be compensated for by insurance companies.
General Exclusions
General exclusions would include hospital charges that are optional to the patient in question. For example, expecting insurance to pay for laundry service or TV in a room is not possible. Eye care is also excluded as routine eye check-up and the need for corrective devices, like eyeglasses, does not pass off with almost all policies.
Those are just some of the things that may not be shouldered by insurance. There are many more exclusions that one will find if he dedicates enough time to read the clauses of his policy. This is a duty which any consumer must do since health insurance could be a tricky business. From the mere fact that insurance companies capitalize on profits, their clauses would always try to elude any coverage for as much as they can. As such, it is very important for someone to understand all aspects of health insurance before signing a contract, and committing to pay annual premiums. 

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