Household debt climbs to $12.5 trillion – Get out of debt with the help of envelope budgeting

among people with the lowest credit scores, the credit card is coming back yet
again. During the second quarter of 2016, the total household debt ballooned to
$12.5 trillion, as per the quarterly report by New York Fed. This increase was
driven only by credit cards and auto loans. Auto loan debt has been rising
since the past 6 years but the soaring credit card balances have been a recent
development. Post recession, households curbed their usage of credit cards till
2014. However, since then card balances have increased by around $70 billion.
cards are more of a necessary evil.

They are extremely necessary tools in our
modern life but at the same time, they are the root of all financial problems.
If people use cards moderately, this can lead to smooth consumption but when
your usage goes out of control, you might fall in trouble. Here are some steps
that you may take to stay out of debt.

  • Create a list of debts: The foremost step that you
    can take is to create a list of all debts that you owe. Include the name, the
    present outstanding balance, monthly installment and the interest rates. Start
    off with the debt which carries the highest rate as that will make you debt
    free sooner.
  •  Check your monetary
    While creating a spending plan for a month, make sure you create an envelope
    spending account for every single debt that is there on your list. Once you pay
    off the first debt, make an adjustment by adding the monthly allocation for
    that debt so that you can again tackle your next priority debt.
  •  Follow a strict budget: Once you know the importance
    of managing your funds, you need to start following a strict budget which
    doesn’t allow you to spend on things which you don’t need. Always think of your
    savings so that you don’t ever cross that limit and then fall in trouble.
  •  Stay away from impulsive
    If you had a habit of impulsive shopping, you should immediately put a stop on
    it. Nothing can push you to debt more than impulsive buying. Don’t take to
    buying anything that pleases your eyes.

    Debt always has a
    detrimental impact on your financial lives and hence the sooner you get rid of
    debt, the better it is for you. If possible, get help of professional debt
    relief options as they can always assist you in a systematic way.

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