How Many Credit Cards Should I Have?

You have been hearing about how bad credit cards can over the years and how a lot of people are getting themselves into debt. But if you are responsible enough with your spending, having a credit card can actually be helpful in a lot of ways. How you use your credit card will determine whether you are capable or not in keeping up with the payments.
With the media going blabbering on and on about the downsides of owning a credit card, many are wondering as to how many credit cards a person can normally possess. There is no definite answer to that. It will all depend on your spending habits and your willingness to pay back when the need arises. Owning several cards will entail you to undertake a huge responsibility in making the necessary payments for each card.
It is important that you budget wisely so you can afford to make repayments. Paying back would usually be a little higher so it is imperative that you budget twice as much since the repayment could be greater than what you have accumulated or even be higher than your actual income. Establishing a good credit rating will most likely require you to use more than one credit card.
They key thing about having a good credit rating is learning to manage your credit cards. While it may be enticing to stack up credit ratings as a result of opening more than one credit card, spending irresponsibly can bring you down quickly and with a poor credit rating. The best way for you to avoid credit card debt is to limit three credit cards at the most and using them sparingly. It is never a good idea to open too many credit cards since you are financially bringing yourself down. Lenders would often make an assessment as to whether or not you are capable of repaying back the loan. 

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