How Much Will A Secured Loan Improve My Credit Score?

Much as it may appear counterproductive on the
surface, strategic use of debt can actually be great for building a strong
credit score. As far as the major lenders are concerned, there’s only one
realistic way of gauging an individual’s financial responsibility.

That being, to see how they handle debt.

Hence, if you have no real credit history whatsoever,
pretty much the only way of getting
things moving in the right direction is to take on some form of sensible
The same also applies for those with flawed credit
histories, which can make it uniquely difficult to qualify for loans, credit
cards and other everyday financial products.

A Question of Accessibility

One of the most appealing characteristics of a secured
loan is its accessibility.  Depending on
the size, nature and intended purpose of the loan, it’s often possible to
qualify without undergoing a credit check. Even if your credit history is
anything but ideal, you’ve still
every chance of qualifying.
This is precisely why secured loans
can be very useful for improving a damaged or absent credit
score. Just
as long as you’ve sufficient collateral to cover the cost of the loan, you’re
almost guaranteed to be accepted. Assuming all repayment obligations are met,
this will be noted on your credit report in the form of an improvement to your
Of course, the extent to which a secured loan improves
anyone’s credit score will be determined by a variety of factors. The current
state of their credit score at the time, the size of the loan, the type of
loan, its intended purpose, repayment terms and so on. Almost every secured
loan can have a beneficial impact on the applicant’s credit file, but the
extent of the improvement varies from one case to the next.

Building a Better Credit Score

Whether your credit score is exceptional, average or
downright awful, there are steps that can be taken to improve it. Building a
strong credit score takes time and effort, but the sooner you get started, the
quicker you’ll get there.
The most effective options for building a better
credit score being as follows:
  •   Eliminate
    as many unnecessary debts as possible, rather than allowing their balances
    to tick over on a month-by-month basis.
  • If
    possible, reduce the balances on your credit card so they’re nowhere near
    their respective limits.

  •  You
    could also think about completely getting rid of any credit cards you
    don’t need and no longer use.
  • Avoid
    applying for any credit facility if there’s a chance your application will
    be rejected, which could inflict further damage on your credit report.
  • If you’re
    struggling with multiple debts, speak to a broker to discuss consolidation
    options and prevent further damage to your credit score.
And of course, the importance of carefully considering
your financial situation before applying for a secured loan cannot be
overstated. By submitting sufficient collateral to cover the cost of the loan,
your property is at risk of repossession if you fail to meet your repayment
obligations. –
Property Finance

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