Montreal Real Estate – Preparing Your Home Before Selling

If you want to sell your home, the first impression can make a world of difference. To sell your Montreal real estate you need to show the home to potential buyers. Here’s how you can increase the chances of a sale.

Outside of the Home
Make sure the outside of your home is as clean as possible. Consider painting if the home needs it and make sure the roof is free of debris or moss. The garden areas should look great and remove toys or other objects from around the home. If the weather is good make sure the grass is freshly cut and clean the pool if you have one. The outside should be as clean as possible for the people coming to view your home.
  • De-clutter so everything is as clean as possible. Remove anything lying around so the house looks as clean as possible. If you have children make sure their rooms are clean and that all their toys arе packed away.
  • Clean rooms and wash the walls. The rooms should smell great and not just look good. Pay attention to pet rooms and litter boxes as well.
  • Clean the bathroom completely and make sure it’s spotless. Remove shampoo bottles, makeup, and other clutter around sinks and the bathtub.
  • Repair anything that needs to be fixed. People want to buy homes that require as little work a possible so if it needs repairing get it done before you sell your home. If you don’t want to repair then be ready to reduce you price as an incentive for someone to buy.
  • Paint anything that needs it as a fresh coat of paint can make a room look great
  • Don’t neglect the garage as this should be clean too. Put away tools and remove all the clutter.
Cleaning Service
Consider getting a cleaning service to clean your home form the top to bottom for you as this will get your home in a good condition to sell it properly. This will save you the stress of cleaning the home yourself and the service will probably get to areas that you might miss. Another option might be to have a design service rearrange your furniture and add those little extras to your home to make it looked live din and attractive for potential buyers.

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