Personal Injury Lawsuits Surrounding 18-Wheelers And Trucks

Approximately 500,000 truck accidents occur per year and nearly 12% of those accidents end in fatalities. Roughly 90 people per day are injured or killed in 18-wheeler accidents in the United States alone. One of these, “big rigs” as they are sometimes called, weigh about 20-30 times what a regular car weighs.

Common Causes
Tired drivers are the most common cause of big truck accidents. The reality of a truck driver’s life is that they put in far more hours than the law allows, because their house reflect in their paychecks. However, that is why it is common for them to fall asleep; they would drive until they are truly exhausted. There are other causes as well as driver fatigue. These include but are not limited to, faulty or poorly maintained equipment and sideswiping another vehicle when changing lanes.
When suffering from an accident in this situation, it can turn a life upside down. Medical bills can pile up loss of work because of an injury can occur, which can lead to a loss of money because there is no paycheck. Any injury could require rehabilitation or medical procedures later on in life. Most often the victim does not understand how serious the injury is until it may be too late to fix the problem. After such an accident, many people want to get back their normal lives, and back to a regular daily routine. As a result, many try to settle as quickly as possible for the first offer the trucking company’s insurance is offered to them. Yet, getting more money than what is offered is possible.
Legal Help
When seeking legal assistance, it is essential to be quick. Documents from the trucking company must be requested in a very timely manner, because the documents are only available for a very limited amount of time after the incident occurs. Even though they could be entitled to recover compensation for injuries, negligence or carelessness, the truck company’s greed might hinder in the process as much as they are able. Though the process of navigating through the legalities of the accident is frustrating and horrifying to think about, hiring a lawyer who will give 100% to the case is a great way to solve such a problem. A personal injury lawyer who is looking out for the victims interests and is willing to be somewhat aggressive with the trucking company is of great value to the victim. A lawyer who has a solid reputation and history as well as extensive experience representing injured victims and their families is most recommended.
Getting into an accident can be devastating. 18-Wheeler accidents can be the most life shattering event in a person’s life, and can not only hurt themselves but those around them. Getting legal help and receiving compensation can help overcome some of the issues. You cannot fight your right to compensation just by yourself as it would lead to a dead end. Always consult a professional firm to ensure you get the right compensation you deserve based on your disability.

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