Reasons to Avoid Acquiring a Criminal Record

When a person pleads guilty or is found guilty of committing a criminal offense, the judge will impose a criminal conviction. A criminal conviction means you will have a criminal record that will follow you wherever you go. A criminal prosecution takes a major toll on a person. The outcome of the case can have long lasting effects, financially, psychologically, and socially. If you are convicted of a committing a criminal offense, it can create a number of hardships for you.
Impact on Employment
Employers tend to be hesitant about hiring a person that has a criminal record. Because employers perform criminal background checks, a criminal record can limit your ob prospects. It can also prevent you from obtaining certain careers such as a teaching career, government employee, health care worker such as a nurse, etc. You could even be denied specific types of education or specific types of licenses such as a truck driver’s license.
Impact on Personal Life
If you have a criminal record, you could have problems with child custody issues. If you probation is part of your sentence, you will have to meet regularly with a probation officer, abide by certain restrictions, and possibly complete a specific number of community service hours. You may also have to pay substantial fines which can make it difficult for you financially.
Travel Limitations
If you have a criminal record, it can make it difficult to travel to another country. Both the United States and Canada require a special waiver to enter the countries or refuse entry to anyone that has a criminal record.
Immigration Restrictions
A criminal record makes it very difficult to immigrate to other countries. Also there are new screening measures in place that makes it difficult for people with a green card who have a criminal record to regain entry into the US, become naturalized citizens, or renew their green card.
Social Stigma
There is a social stigma against people with a criminal record. Coworkers, friends, or neighbors can feel uncomfortable and stop socializing with you.
Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer
A criminal conviction can create many hardships. As well, if you are facing a criminal charge, it can be a very stressful burden to bear.  After dealing with the initial shock from being charged, you need to figure out what steps to take. It is at this time that it is essential to hire a criminal defense lawyer. Remember, when you are charged with committing a criminal offense, you are presumed innocent until found guilty by a judge or jury. “The presumption of innocence dictates that no person shall be convicted of an offense until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. A criminal defense lawyer fights on behalf of his or her client to maintain the presumption of innocence.”
The criminal defense lawyer has a duty to the client and to society because this type of lawyer plays an important role in ensuring a fair and just legal system.  For instance, the body that governs lawyers in Ontario, The Law Society of Upper Canada, dictates “that a lawyer owes a duty to his client to fearlessly raise every issue, advance every argument, and ask every question, however distasteful, which he thinks will help his client’s case. The lawyer must also endeavor to obtain for his client the benefit of any and every remedy and defense, which is authorized by law.”
The criminal defense lawyer’s loyalty to the client is a duty he or she has vowed to uphold. Representation by a criminal defense lawyer will ensure you will get the best possible defence and the best possible outcome. This is essential because of all of the life altering consequences that can occur if convicted of a criminal offense.

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