The Rise of Mobile Trading

Whilst 20 years ago a mobile phone was a
rare site even in the most bustling of metropolises, the great leap forward in
mobile technology since the millennium means that mobile devices are now an
ever-present part of our lives. If anything this trend towards mobile has only
accelerated in the past few years, as the rise of the smart-phone has
transformed the mobile from a device for making calls into something that is,
to all intents and purposes, a hand-held computer. The UK is a prime example of
this trend, with a recent Ofcom report stating that in 2014 a staggering 62% of
people were using smart-phones. 

One of the results of this is that both trading
information and financial data are now far more accessible to traders. Whilst
in the 90’s and even in the 00’s the vast majority of trading transactions were
made via desktop, in the past few years the percentage of trading done via
mobile has continued to grow by leaps and bounds.  The rise of the tablet has also helped in this
regard, since it has proved to be easily transportable whilst also having an
easier trading interface than smart-phones due to having a larger screen. 
This leap forward in technology has also
come at a time when data is increasingly becoming easier to interpret, with
trading courses available to help people get to grips with the rise and fall of
the financial markets. In fact,
ETX Capital
offers a wide variety of trading-related seminars and webinars, all of which
are free to ETX Capital clients. 
Whilst in the old days financial news
could be slow to circulate, the rise of the internet in general and social
media in particular means that the spread of financial news can be almost
instantaneous. The accessibility to both social media and trading apps on the
same mobile device means that people can react to financial news just seconds
after reading it – wherever they are in the world. The ability to trade whilst
away from one’s desk has opened up the world of trading; with internet access
via mobile phone, anyone can be a financial trader. 
Newcomers to the
world of financial trading certainly aren’t spoiled for choice – there are
large number of different tradable products out there, with global equities,
indices, Forex pairs and commodities all available to trade nowadays via mobile
platforms. For example, TraderPro, ETX Capital’s flagship platform, offers
thousands of different trading choices to users – and as well as being available
on Desktop devices the trading  platform
is also available in app format for Android and iOS devices, giving users the
flexibility to trade when and where they want to.

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