Top 3 Unforeseen Fastest Growing Financial Jobs

It’s truly intriguing looking at some of the most powerful financial jobs in the United States. In fact, many people are shocked at the enormous growth rate they have seen in some fields. For instance, there has been a vast growth in recent years for financial analysts. Recently published in New York Times, there was a 15% increase of students who went into the financial field at Dartmouth College. While this is exciting, it’s interesting to know what the fastest growing financial service jobs in America are.
Analyst: Spiraling Forward
You’re probably be shocked to learn analyst made the list, but the jobs are growing at a rapid speed. There are jobs popping up all over the country; it seems there are high demands for these jobs. There are many different fields you can go into; it’s actually tremendously exciting. For instance, you could be a data analyst; the job duties include gathering, organizing, and providing statistics to help the company grow. Surprisingly, there are many types of analyst; its best to choose what field you enjoy being in. If you enjoy working with taxes, you could consider being a tax analyst. Some people are computer savvy; they probably would enjoy being a program analyst. Employers expect you to have an associate degree or a master’s degree to work in this field. You can expect to make between $61,200 to $81,400 a year.
Administrative Assistant: Shocking Turn of Events
While you probably heard of an administrative assistant, who knew these jobs were so popular. These jobs are making a comeback this year at an alarming rate. The most spectacular part about these jobs are they will never be obsolete. This is a terrific career field because you know there will always be jobs available. It’s necessary to mention there are many career fields you can choose. For example, you can work inside a bail bonds office; the job usually entails advance bookkeeping skills. It’s vital to have several options available, in case you don’t like working at the bail bonds office. You might prefer working in health care because you love the atmosphere. Administrative assistant jobs usually require extensive work experience. You must have an excellent work history or an associate degree related to business. Expected pay usually ranges from $28,400 to $44, 400 a year.
Accountant: Commanding the Upmost Respect
According to The Early Show on CBS news, one of the top five growing jobs are accountants. “I used current information from the U.S. Dept. of Labor, which offers growth forecasts through 2020 for 275 major jobs, “says Dr. Laurence Shatkin Ph.D. These jobs are expected to skyrocket because of the high demand for tax preparation, payroll services, and bookkeeping. The majority of accountant jobs require a master’s degree in business with a focus on accounting. The rewarding part of being an accountant is you can work in various related fields, like in health care, the tax offices, your local government, or even a bail bonds office. The expected pay of these jobs is between $48,500 and $62,400 a year. If you were wondering what field to go into, then you might want to consider one of these options. Imagine how rewarding it would be to have security in your career.

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