Troubles Faced by People Who Jump Bail

What does “jump” or “skip” bail mean?
These terms essentially mean that a person who was let out on bail fails to appear in court at an appointed date and time. But before tackling this issue, it is also important to understand other things that usually occur first. To start with, if you are charged of a crime, the court will decide about whether or not you can put up money to remain free before your court appearance. The amount is known as bail and not all criminal acts are bailable. Offenses that are considered as heinous or grave are generally considered as non-bailable, especially if a crime will likely be punished by death or lifetime imprisonment. Still, it is at the discretion of the courts on whether to allow an accused to pay bail or not.
What happens to bail money when you skip bail?
Several categories of bail exist. Cash bail, for instance, is bail that’s fully paid in cash, while property bail is when a person pays bail using his real holdings. The cost of the property should be the same or more than the amount of the bail, and not less. If you can’t afford to pay bail, then see a bail bondsman. Bail bondsmen can pay your bail but remember that they often add around 10%, considered as premium, to the base bail amount.
In the event that you skip bail, the cash you paid or the property that you used as collateral is forfeited by the courts. If you asked for assistance from a bail bondsman and you decide to jump bail, the bail bondsman loses money. But they won’t lose all since most bail bondsmen are backed by surety insurance companies. These are insurance groups that specifically provide protection to bail bondsmen. Nevertheless, don’t think that just because bail bondsmen are protected by surety insurance groups, then you’re safe from your financial obligations. Why? Well, because bail bondsmen usually hire bounty hunters to seek out and detain people who jump bail. Not only that, but authorities will also be on the look out for you.
What happens to you if you jump bail?
First, “jumping bail” is essentially the term used when someone fails to appear for a criminal case hearing. If you skip bail, you’ll be considered as a fugitive. Bounty hunters and officers of the law will both be on the lookout for you. Hiding is difficult and entails so many risks. Understand the realities of hiding from the law since doing this will surely curtail your freedom and challenge you and your family in so many ways.
What happens if you forgot to appear in court?
The consequences will largely depend on the crime that you committed. But remember that failing to appear in court is a separate offense from the original accusation. In the California Penal Code Section 853.7, if you’re guilty of misdemeanor, then missing your court appearance will also be considered as a misdemeanor. Therefore, it’s very important to check the date and time of your appearance, and verify this with the Clerk of the Court. Also, each state has different laws regarding the type of punishment for those who “fail to appear.” If you fail to appear in California, for instance, the courts will issue a Failure to Appear Warrant. Bounty hunters and the police will be looking for you; and if it wasn’t your intention to miss your court date, clearing the issue and your name is normally a long and tedious process.

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