Ward Off Hackers By Investing In Precious Metals – Why Are They A Proven Store Of Wealth?

you ever been sceptical about whether or not your wealth can be hacked? Well,
this is a threat which is mostly overlooked by investors. Investors actually
ignore them at their own peril! In a world where elections can be hacked, who
can vouch for the fact that brokerage accounts and banks can’t be hacked? It
has just been 5 months into
Donald Trump’s presidency and within that time
Russia hacked elections and this theory of conspiracy won’t just vanish!

late, major e-commerce websites and e-mail providers have been attacked by
hackers where they take customer’s secret information and sell it off on the
web. In fact you thought that Bitcoin is hack-proof, you need to think again.
There are million dollars worth crypto currency which have been digitally
hacked by hackers.

Can you reduce vulnerability to
hackers by investing in precious metals?

precious metals have always proved themselves as storage of wealth for years
unknown. During financial instability, precious metals like gold are deemed as
safe haven as they’re used to enhance security and preserve wealth to an
uncertain economic future. Being finite and tangible resources, precious metals
will always retain their inherent value as they’re not controlled by any
financial institution or the government.
USMoney Reserve
is one of the largest distributors of precious metals issued by the American

we know that that there are very few assets which offer your family a shield
against economic and political uncertainty, precious metals like silver and
gold help protect your wealth from viable threats like hacking and sudden
decline of the US dollars or a crash in the stock market.

Investing in precious metals – How to
go about the process

people speak of investing in precious metals, they actually mean buying and
selling silver, gold or platinum. Investment can be done in 2 forms; investors
can buy the metal and keep it in some private place like your safe or in the
bank. Another option is by buying a precious metal ETF. Ideally, this entails
purchasing a stock which is tied to the present value of the metal. When the
metal’s value goes up, this has a direct relation with the price of the ETF as

Big pulses of precious metal

It’s a physical commodity: If you own a precious
metal like gold, you own a piece of that metal and this is different from the
way a stock or share works as it exists on paper.

It’s a controlled item: You won’t find an
oversupply of precious metals like gold, silver or platinum. Although such
metals are mined most of the time but that doesn’t make it grow at a rapid
rate. US
Money Reserve sells such metals to the
most reputed mints of the world. You can check out their
Crunchbase profile to know more on the

Its price runs opposite to the economy: Off late, there has been
a sudden rise in gold’s value and this has come during a period when the US
economy is in a sluggish state. This means that people usually take resort to
gold when the economy looks weak and they move out of the precious metal when
the economy looks strong.

In case you have a huge
portfolio of investments which includes assets of other classes, foreign
currency, foreign stocks, cash, bonds and real estate, precious metals can
definitely be one more element you may want to add. Precious metals are a
volatile piece of the investment picture that can be effortlessly balanced with
the other stable assets of your portfolio.

One Reply to “Ward Off Hackers By Investing In Precious Metals – Why Are They A Proven Store Of Wealth?”

  1. Gold’s appeal dates back many centuries, and it has held on to its value. Whether in the form of jewellery, physical gold, or electronic gold, the metal is indeed valuable. Investors have often been encouraged to invest in gold in order to diversify their portfolios. One can invest in gold through physical or online platforms, such as a gold savings account. To invest in gold online in USA, you will have to find a reputable dealer or use an online platform. Whatever you may choose, gold has proved its effectiveness over the years during various economic recessions. Diversifying to hedge your portfolio from a liquidity crisis or inflation risk, is your choice to make.

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