What are the Different Types of Bail?

Most people don’t have any idea about what bail bonds are or what bail bondsmen do. It’s not unusual since individuals don’t normally foresee themselves committing a crime. But what if something untoward happens and a person, claiming to be innocent is accused of a serious crime? What are his options?
Any person accused of committing any criminal act should ask for help from a reliable attorney. He should also be aware that he can pay bail money, which is a certain amount specified by the courts, in order to stay outside of prison before trial begins. In general, bail amount largely depends on the type of crime done. In addition to this, there are also offenses that are non-bailable, and these are usually crimes that are punishable by life imprisonment or death. Here are a few more points regarding bail, bail bonds and bail bondsmen.
1. What are the types of bail? Here are three types of bail:
a. Property Bond – Here, the accused can offer the courts a certain property as payment for bail money. The worth of the property must be equal to or more than the bail amount.
b. Surety Bond – When an accused cannot afford to pay his bail, he or his family can contact a bail bondsman. This person, also known as a bail agent, will pay the amount. Generally, bail agents are backed by insurance companies that specialize in bail bonds, known as surety companies. If in case the accused fails to show up in court for trial, the bail agent will pay the insurance company the full bail amount. But all is not lost for bail agents since it is also typical for them to charge a premium (usually 10%) or get collateral, i.e. house, luxury car, or other valuable property.
c. Cash Bail – The accused pays the total bail amount in cash. Credit cards and checks are also honored in most courts.
2. What happens when a person skips bail?
a. Bounty Hunter – A person who skips bail is usually hunted down by bounty hunters, also known as bail enforcement agents. These are well-trained people who specialize in tracking down and apprehending individuals who jump bail.
b. Bounty Hunter Job – Collecting Evidence and Other Vital Info
Bounty hunters are skilled in gathering intelligence or details about certain fugitives, and they are highly capable at seeking out contacts, like family, friends or acquaintances of the alleged criminal in hiding. First, they study the bail jumper, learning about his habits, financial status, work, hobbies, and other details that could be used to find the fugitive. They also check out a bail jumper’s criminal history, and determine if this person is also known to carry firearms. All gathered intelligence will aid bounty hunters in forming a plan for their manhunt.
Catching a Bail Jumper
Because bounty hunters may probably deal with hardened criminals, they should be tough and skilled at using hi-tech equipment for tracking, staking out or detaining offenders. Even though bounty hunters should be prepared for any eventuality, most of them prefer to use non-lethal weapons, like tasers or stun guns, and stake out equipment, including microphones and audio recorders. Why? Well, when a bail jumper dies, then it will be much more difficult for the bail bondsman to collect payment; and since bounty hunters are typically employed by bail bondsmen, they may not get paid in such cases.

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